John Blackwell

John Blackwell Senior Pastor

John Blackwell has been in ministry for over 20 plus years, having served in the following roles: Student Ministry, Children's Ministry, College Ministry, Worship Ministry, Associate Pastor and Pastor. He has a Bachelor's from the University of Mobile, a Masters from Liberty University, and he is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry and Leadership.

John and his wife, Heather, have two sons, Ethan and Jonah, and a daughter, Kara Beth.

Brandon Little - Worship Pastor
Brandon Little Associate Pastor of Worship and Students

When Brandon was 17, he felt God calling him to ministry. Since then, he has served in many ministry capacities in and out of the local church. Brandon is a graduate of the University of Mobile with a major in Church Music. He has a passion to serve others and see people come to know Christ.

He is married to Lauren and they enjoy going on new adventures, cooking, and singing together in the car. Brandon and Lauren have a son named Jackson, and they love spending time together as a family. 

Sheila Lambert Children's Ministry Director
Shelia is a life-long resident of Citronelle. She attended college at the University of Mobile where she earned her Bachelor of Science and Master of Art degrees in Elementary Education. She later earned a Specialist Degree in Elementary Education from the University of West Alabama. Shelia has taught at McDavid-Jones Elementary School over 20 years and has recently taken on the role of reading specialist. Shelia is passionate about teaching children to read and leading them to Christ. She has worked in children’s ministry since she was 16. She is married to Jimbo and they have two daughters, Lexie and Brooklynn. Shelia joined the staff of Restoration Church in 2022.


Johnny Tucker

Johnny Tucker

Staff Evangelist

Rhonda McNees

Rhonda McNees

Financial Secretary

Cindy Turner

Cindy Turner

Child Development Center Director