Salvation is not an end result; it is a starting point. It is not filling out a card and walking an aisle; it is a conscious decision to walk with Jesus daily.
A disciple of Jesus is just that: someone who follows, learns from, and obeys Jesus day-in and day-out! Below, you will find various resources to help you grow in your walk. Remember, you can't follow Jesus until you turn to Him! If you have not begun a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, contact us today and begin the life changing journey of walking with Jesus.

Discover Restoration
Our Discover Restoration Class is a new believers / members class offered to help those who are new to faith and new to the church to know what we believe and why! This class and guide are a great place to start!
Click Below to Download Discover Restoration Guide

365 Reading Plan
Wanting to dive deeper in the word but not sure where to start? Here is an easy 365 day plan to help you read through the entire bible and read Psalms and Proverbs multiple times. It's never too late to get started!
Download your copy today or grab you a copy from the welcome center!
Click Below to Download the 365 Reading Plan

365 Prayer Guide
Prayer is an essential element for Christian growth. This 365 day prayer guide will aid you as you daily spend time talking to God. Download your copy today or grab you a copy from the welcome center!
Click Below to Download the 365 Prayer Guide

SHAPE Assessment
At Restoration, no one is to just "attend church". We view scripture to say that WE are THE Church! Because of this understanding, we believe everyone is gifted differently to serve differently for the Kingdom. We use an assessment called the SHAPE Test to help discover various ways you can get connected and plugged into the church family! The assessment will walk you through your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences.
We encourage you to fill out the form below and submit by either email to info@restorationchurchcitronelle.com or bring it to the church office. We will review it and arrange a meeting with you to help you better understand your shape!